## Wheelman

About Wheelman:

What is the Wheelman? The Wheelman is a center mounted engine and frame vehicle, supported at each end by a spokeless wheel into which your feet can be inserted while standing upright. The 2010 Wheelman has a 50cc 2-stroke engine which takes a mix of gas and oil just like a weed whacker. It holds 1 liter of fuel and will give you a run time of over 1 hour or 30 miles and speeds up to 25 mph.

How does it work? The learning curve of a Wheelman is very similar to skate/snow/surf board riding. And if you have any experience in these you will be surprised on how fast you pick it up. At speed you u

Features Wheelman:

  • Tearing up the grass, sliding in the dirt, cruising the beach, that’s the Wheelman life! Don’t be the last on your block to own one!